You’re going to hate me.

Filed under: Web Games — Cameron @ 2:57 pm May 10, 2010

Today I present you two very different, very unique games.  The first is one that kept me up all night a few years back and the second one will make you punch a kitten… in the face.

P4X is a web based 150 level riddle.  According to the website only 31 out of the 215,000 people to ever start it have finished it, and I am not one of them.  The riddles, which are more like puzzles than riddles, start off extremely easy and slowly take a turn for the worse.  To complete the riddles you have to do everything from viewing the source code for the page to image editing to messing with sound tracks for hidden Morse code messages.  It’s hard to describe it, so save me some time and go play it and let me know what you think.  I gets hard, really really hard, but if you get stuck so hard you want to rage quit there are hints and walkthroughs of some of the stages to be found linked from the site.  So if you are a fan of riddles and puzzles I highly recommend it.

[Update]  It turns our that the hints that use to be there are now gone and have been replaced with hints that you have to pay for…how lame. Fortunately there are still hints up in the forums for the site.

Next up is The Impossible Quiz.  Contrary to the game’s name, it is quite possible to finish the quiz, but it won’t be easy.


The game is full of nonsense questions and puzzles that are so devious and evil I guarantee you will hate me for showing this to you.  The quiz is half multiple choice and half puzzles, none of which make any sense.

impossible 3You get 3 lives, and once they are gone the game is over and you have to try again, which will happen, I promise.  Seriously, this is hard, like….talking to a 2 year old hard.  But with some time you’ll eventually know most all of the answers through trial and error and realize that the 2 year old has pooped his pants and you’re the only one left to clean it up.  But have no fear, there is some slight hope.  Randomly through the quiz there are points where you can earn level skip tokens, which can come in handy, except on the levels you can’t skip…

Here’s another picture.


I highly recommend you check these out, especially P4X, it’s challenging and very well thought out.  If this website had stars I’d give it 5/5.  Impossible quiz is a great game to play when you aren’t frustrated and want to be.
